NetReso provides services to youth and young adults ages 16 to 24 to help with life skills coaching through entrepreneurial training (Train 2 Serve) or career exploration.
NetReso creates spiritual products based on the Word of God to encourage, inspire, inform and ignite your soul. These products will provide comfort for the soul, hope for tomorrow and joy to your life.
NetReso provides youth and parents with quality resources to build, strengthen and develop self awareness, ethical responsibility and purpose driven lives.
NetReso help families with products that they can pass down family legacies or capture special memories.
Motto: Developing God-centered, purpose-driven and character focused leaders.
Train 2 Serve
The Train 2 Serve curriculum is for youth and young adults 16-24, who need coaching on whether they should become an entrepreneur or pursue a career. This curriculum is designed to give them job shadowing opportunities as well as hands on entrepreneurial experience of life in the shoes of an entrepreneur. They will learn about their personality, how they learn, how they make decision, how they communicate, all will be part of their discovery map.
The training is divided into 5 modules that is one week in length per module for entrepreneurs and 4 modules for career exploration
Module 1 – Discovery Map and assessments
Module 2 – Becoming an entrepreneur or career exploration, trade schools
Module 3 – Marketing and branding for entrepreneurs, for career exploration track– job shadowing
Module 4 – Business finance and accounting or career exploration — preparation of resume, cover letter, job searches
Module 5 – Business plan, presentation and networking
NetReso services are designed to provide practical training through its Train 2 Serve curriculum that lays the foundation for young adults to live a life driven by purpose. Our additional services range from helping you declutter your mind of unfinished projects through personal mindmapping brainstorming, family tree placemats, keepsake cards of precious memories, to capturing family photos in video, all customized to meet your expectations.
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